Diane Thiel



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Sample poems from Questions From Outer Space

"On Foot", The Common (Amherst), 2022.

"Listening in Deep Space", Birmingham Poetry Review, No. 49, 2022.

"Questions of Time and Direction" Terrain, September 2021.

"The Multiverse", "Under the Lawrence Tree",The Hudson Review, Fall 2021.

"Measure by Time" Louisiana Literature, Issue 38/1.

"Sticks and Stones" and "Spaceship with Saint Giovannino" First Things.

"Assimilation; Field Notes from the Biolayer" The 2River View, Summer 2021.

"Astronaut Training" The 2River View, Spring 2021.

"Tritina in the Time of the Machine" Cathexis, June 2021.

"Remotely; Living with Aliens" American Journal of Poetry, Vol. 11, July 2021.

"The Farthest Side" Prime Number Magazine (PNM Poetry Award-tied for 2nd place).

"High Noon at the Remote Corral" Rattle.

"Sleeping Dogs" The Hopkins Review.

"Outback" First Things.

"The Factory (A Report from Outer Space); Notice from Another Dimension; Hiatus" The Hudson Review.

Some earlier poems

The Minefield

Memento Mori in Middle School

Love Letters

Kinder und Hausmärchen


Family Album

Twelve-Day Buddhist Silent Retreat

This page was last updated on January 24, 2022.